09 Jul 2021

8 female artists share their business advice

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From painting and sculpting to graphic design and everything in between, being an artist whilst navigating the world of business can be tough.  

So to help keep you on your path (and assure you it's all going to be okay), we've compiled some words of wisdom and business advice from 8 of our favourite female artists. 

Here's what they've got to say: 

Elle-Louise Burguez, painter 
"Always come back to love, use your senses to remain in the moment, ask your belly when making tough decisions, remain playful and bright, laugh every day, swim in the ocean, be kind to animals, be kind to our planet, be kind to yourself, be kind to everyone around you and continue to learn and create everyday no matter what."

Read the full interview with Elle-Louise here

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2. Annie Everingham, painter

"Collaborate and engage with other creatives - having a support network of other women in business can be really helpful and motivating when you're feeling unmotivated or facing challenges in business.

Learn to say 'no' to opportunities or projects that don't add value to your business or light you up.

Celebrate small milestones and give yourself some credit for being able to monetise your passion - it's hard work, and takes a lot of vulnerability and energy.

Own your feminine super power of being both assertive and kind - being nice to people and also knowing your worth are both important."

Read the full interview with Annie here

Annie Everingham March2020 credit Jacquie Manning 1

3. Jasmine Dowling, graphic designer

"Get to know yourself and what you want out of a business without any preconceptions. You don’t need to fit into the mould of a successful business person. You have the freedom to do things your own way & create your own version of success."

Read the full interview with Jasmine here

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4. Lisa Morgan, visual artist and painter

"My advice for younger artists - 'Your work isn’t a high stakes, nail-biting professional challenge, it is a form of play. Lighten up and have fun with it' (Sol LeWitt).

Against all your internal chatter, delve into the notion of expressing yourself through the very essence of playfulness as in being open to anything that may happen, an honest observation of life in your own lane"

Read the full interview with Lisa here

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5. Montana Lower, mural artist

"Create your own path and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Don’t be afraid to start! Giving back to your community and the earth!"

Read the full interview with Montana here

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6. Dina Broadhurst, digital artist

"Passion, determination, stand up for your beliefs, be comfortable with who you are, and don’t feel bad about the journey of discovering who you are and how long it takes. Just keep doing you."

Read the full interview with Dina here

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Dina Broadhurst

7. Shyanne Clarke, illustrator and graphic designer

"Be strong and vulnerable in who you really are. Be curious and try things on, but ultimately, what ever you choose to do, do it to the best you can today, keep growing and always go with the option that is socially and environmentally responsible. Remember that there is always time, don't rush, play the long game, your best work might not happen til your 70 - and that is pretty fucking awesome."

Read the full interview with Shyanne here.

Shyanne Clarke

8. Holly Ryan, jeweller and sculptor 

"Stop comparing yourself or your work to that of others, looking within and following your intuition is the most meaningful way to forge a path of your own."

Read the full interview with Holly here.

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Holly Ryan

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