23 Aug 2021

Working from within with Holly Ryan

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Australian artist Holly Ryan is recognised for her hand-carved sculptures that pay homage to the female form and explore the female experience. Looking back to touchstones of modern sculpture, the artist breathes new expressions into abstract faces and movements into bodily forms. Her background as a jewellery maker has long informed the way she honours the materiality of each piece that passes through her hands. With an organic yet refined approach to aesthetic principles, Ryan often turns to the natural world and the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi for inspiration.

Holly Ryan is represented by Jerico Contemporary.

Hi Holly, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
In my jewellery practice I create future heirlooms, in my sculpture practice I create abstract faces and bodily forms

Talk us through your creative process. How do you reach your signature style?

My process is highly emotional, it is my catharsis. I carve my shapes innately, it is a very organic process that comes from within.

What is your big hope and dream for your work?
To empower others and bring them joy

What are your top 3 superpowers?
My determination, my ability to juggle and also to delegate. I wouldn't be where where I am without my fire team of wonderful women at Holly Ryan HQ!!

We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
My best friends who are all driven, powerful and gracious women. My idols however are Barbara Hepworth and Patti Smith.

What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?
Stop comparing yourself or your work to that of others, looking within and following your intuition is the most meaningful way to forge a path of your own.


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