28 Aug 2021

Murals for Change with Montana Lower

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Montana Lower is an Australian artist, activist, environmental engineer, influencer and founder of not-for-profit organisation Murals for Change. Her deep and change-inspiring passion for art grew from her childhood in Fiji and then Far North Queensland – painting was a means for expression, escape and creative exploration.

Her belief that art is a positive and inspiring way to communicate and respond to life, led to her mission of ‘Painting a better world’ through Murals for Change. Acting to inspire vulnerability, honesty, self awareness, connection and courage among all, Montana looks to nature, the self and the realness of life as a starting point in her practice.

Hi Montana, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
I try to create in every aspect of my being, from dancing and movement to cooking, making and painting, to express whatever element of life inspires me! Painting is my main form of creative practice though and my studio wherever I happen to be – Tom built me a space inside our bus to store all my materials so I’m always ready to create wherever we are on the road for Murals for Change. I create drawing inspiration from the things that sit closest to my heart – motherhood, the earth and Blue have been an incredible source of inspiration and motivation.

Talk us through your creative process. How do you reach your signature style?

Practice and creating things I love! The sunflower has always been my favourite and creating it through my painting practice has since become second nature, hence it’s appearance across so many of my murals and artworks. I just follow my instincts and stay true to myself, responding to the causes and ideas that inspire me at any given time.

What is your big hope and dream for your work?
Murals for Change is the manifestation of the hopes and dreams for my work. I want to see my artworks and those of like-minded artists incite meaningful change while inspiring other people along the way. I want art to be a way of connecting with other people who want to make tangible changes in their everyday lives.

Art for me has always been a way to have tough conversations about all kinds of contemporary issues in a way that helps people understand the emotional, spiritual and logistical complexities. Once you begin to understand something within the context of your own life and existence you can begin enacting things that help solve worldly problems. From climate change to mental health and gender equality, art is key to change. We facilitate each project and workshop with this mentality and so far we’re exploding with new connections and positive outcomes. Art is an incredible and essential tool for connecting, learning and communicating.

Oh and if I can do all these things while living in our bus Mooncake and surrounded by nature, I’ll be happy beyond measure.

What are your top 3 superpowers?
Connecting with people, adapting and as of late, listening to myself and responding to my needs! Also balancing being a mum, doing all things Murals for Change and my other projects!

We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
I’m surrounded by so many incredible humans and have a very close knit group of women who support, honour and uplift me. Obviously my beautiful little family – Tom and Blue!

What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?
Create your own path and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Don’t be afraid to start! Giving back to your community and the earth!

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