19 Aug 2021

Freedom through art with Rikki Day

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Rikki Day's intricate and exquisite pieces of art are ones we dream of filling each corner in our homes with. 

Creating as a coping mechanaism naturally led Rikki to begin to sell her works and since bloom into a small business that allows her to express her self through her unique pieces. 

Q: Hi Rikki, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?

I create art. Paintings mainly, but I dabble in functional and sculptural ceramics too.

Q: Can you share with us a bit about your journey so far and where it all began?
Yeah sure, It all began for me approximately 10 months after having my first child. we had a pretty rough first few months with birth and health complications and adjusting to all of the new changes for our little family wasn't really smooth sailing.

I've always painted throughout childhood and school etc but I really picked it back up as a coping mechanism in this really tough transition period. It was a sanctuary and a little paradise I could retreat to when my son was asleep.

I posted a few things online and then started getting a lot of enquires into whether I was going to sell my works. Which obviously I decided to do and from there my little art business just kept gaining momentum and support. I'm super grateful for that.

Q: What do you think it is that makes your work unique?
I think if you are true in your expression your work will always be unique. I grew up on the beach (my mum was a professional surfer) so I spent a LOT of hours drawing in the sand with sticks. I think that's probably where my love for line work and its simplicity and beauty comes in.

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Q: What has been the single most crucial tool or strategy you’ve used to grow your creative business?
Well I think that's the thing. In my opinion, it's not just getting good at one thing. I think to really start to see momentum in the early stages of your creative business you have to accept that you need to learn to wear ALL the hats.

Of course as you grow you can outsource but in the beginning I think the best strategy is just to jump in, work hard, if you don't know what to do, google it, do a short course on it, read a book, ask someone who knows.

I think you have to be willing to learn a million new things and you need to prepare that you may actually suck at them for a bit. But your art or your work can't be purchased by someone who doesn't see it, so marketing is key.

Q: What’s been the most challenging lesson learnt so far in your career?
Balance. When to work, when not to. When to spend, when not to. when to create when not to. Finding a balance and trusting my gut.

Q: What’s been the best thing that’s happened to you since you started your career?
Getting so much freedom. To work when I want, from where I want. is something I have always strived for so to be reaping that benefit to me is huge.

Q: Where do you go or what do you do to recharge your creativity?

Take a holiday, always. Swim in the ocean, laugh with friends. Do things that are completely non related to work. It only ever takes me a few days to be then super excited to get back in the studio with a mind full of ideas.

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Q: How are you fulfilling your creative passions this year?
This year for me has been a huge deal of experimentation with different mediums and concepts.

Alongside my work I'm also starting another business with a Photographer friend of mine Tess Leopold. The brand, launching very soon, is called Ave.nue101 (@ave.nue101) and it's focused on entirely Australian, slow made, art focused homewares, so that has been incredible in serving my creative side!

Q: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?

Anyone doing anything that they truly love. Honestly it brings me SO much joy to see people in their element. Tears in my eyes every single time I see someone going for their goals. I can confidently say If you ever met me i'd be your biggest cheer leader haha.

Q: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?

Remember that success is so much more than a bank account. Set your parameters for success to include freedom, spontaneity, the quality of your relationships, time or whatever the important things are for you. It will make it easier to make good business choices if you know these things.

You may get a "great opportunity" financially but if it steals too much of your life to do the work involved, you'll come to pay day and still not feel successful anyway.

One of my favourite quotes of all time is this

"When you tell people what you do and the words shine out of your eyes, that's when you have arrived. That's what success feels like, even if you don't have a dollar to your name." -unknown.
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