26 Jul 2021

5 Aussie travel destinations that will cure your Euro summer blues


It's creeping up, that time of the year when a large majority of us Aussies are preparing to head off on a Euro summer filled with sunbathing, Aperols and crystal clear waters. 

While we may have been hoping that last years momentary halt to our perfect plans would be just that, momentary... we're facing the grim reality that we won't be living out our international holiday dreams for a much longer period of time.

But have no fear our little adventure friends, we're hear to break the good news that our own back yard (a pretty big back yard tbh) is filled to the brim with all of the travel destinations we could ever dream of! And it begs the question, what have we been doing this whole time gallivanting across the globe when we have it all right here?! 

So covering just the very tip of the iceberg (or big red rock if you will), We're sharing 5 of our top Aussie destinations that will cure all of your Euro summer blues. 

Mount Martha The Pillars Best Beaches on the Mornington Peninsula

Exactly like the Italian coast in our dreams but minus the 20+ hours of flying is Victoria's Mornington Peninsula. Cliff jump into the turquoise waters at Mount Martha, or make your way to the Peninsula Hot Springs for a taste of Tuscany. 


Majorca may be the new it euro destination (prior to 2020 anyway) .. but we've found one better with all the beauty and non of the crowd on Lord Howe Island. 


Craving those eye catching colours of Red Beach Santorini, Western Australia's incredible Broome coastline has what you are looking for and more. Stretching 900km down the coast you'll find all of your Greek island dreams in the one place. 

BP4 A8372

Yacht week in Croatia has nothing on Sailing the Whitsundays off north QLD. Snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef, Camping at Whitehaven Beach, aaaaand don't forget the cocktails in Airlie Beach. 


Tasmania's vibrant lavender farms and cute towns will rid your French countryside fomo in an instance. Not to mention the small islands numerous other cosy nooks. 

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