13 Aug 2021

90s nostalgia: our 10 fave shows from the 90s

Ajeet mestry U Bhp OI Hnaz M unsplash

2020 has us thinking about pretty much any other year than the one we're in, so while trawling through our memorabilia of years gone by, ones where we were free to make human contact, or not (but we had the choice).

It got us reminiscing on our fave TV shows from the 90's... (or maybe it was all of the Friends re runs we have been watching in our down time).

Anyway whatever the inspiration may have been we decided to remind you all of the gold that was 90's sitcom, you're welcome.

Coming in hot at number one. Friends obvs. Need we say more? but really, theres a reason why my husband asks me if I'm hanging out with my friends every evening at 6pm, and thats because yes I am. My dear friends Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey. 

A close second is our golden girl Fran Fine in The Nanny. If not just for the extremely catchy theme song, the hair and Frans 'extra' personality, the realness was too darn relatable. 

A late bloomer of the nineties the Daria animation still found a place in our hearts, the cynical teenager navigates high school surrounded by A bunch of superficial peers and idiotic parental figures. The sarcasm, wit and dry humour in the series along with the stark contrast it plays to female characters of the time is enlightening and thoroughly enjoyable. 

Another late bloomer but a favourite all the same. We couldn't not mention Sex and the City. The Fashion, the drama, the risqueness... the original Gossip Girls some may say. 

Charmed. Hot witchy sisters caught between fighting and falling for hot evil demons. Need we say more...

If you were anything like us, you wanted to be Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Finding out you have secret witch powers on your 16th birthday, your cat conveniently named 'Salem' starts talking to you, and you get to live with your two crazy witch aunties. What more could a girl ask. 

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. We basically just watched this everyday for the three minutes of Will Smith's theme song that we knew every single word of. 

On the evil fighting train (there seems to be a theme going on here) once more is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sarah Michelle Gellar debuts in this cult favourite about a teenage... well, Vampire Slayer of course. 

Saved by the Bell was technically from the 80s initially but ran through the 90s and into our hearts (corny we know, but fitting for this show). The funnies, the drama and the big hair... we are here for it all. 

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