14 Jul 2021

5 travel destinations on our bucket list this year

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Image via @myvisualcurrency

With half of the year mysteriously vanishing before our very eyes already, we've decided that we can't wait a moment longer to plan the rest of our 2021 adventures. 

We're not sure how, but we are yet to step our little feet into a neighbouring state this year, and it's giving us some major blues. 

So here it is, our destination bucket list for the final months. A compilation of adventures to see us relaxing by crystal waters, hiking red dirt, drinking delish vino and most likely swatting a few mozzies.  

Who's coming along for the ride? 

Thisismagneticisland 185884531 534981374163594 2740603435080029257 n

If not for it's mega Caribbean island vibes, oceanic boulders and palm filled coastlines, Magnetic Island's abundance of small, hot pink, topless cars to zip around in is what has peaked our interest. Vacayyyy here we come!

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Image via @weekendswithsadie

We can just tell that photos don't do this magical place justice. Carnarvon Gorge we are coming for you.

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Image via @misterweekender

We know being in freezing cold temps will all be worth it to be surrounded by the lush views of Cradle Mountain. Who doesn't love being snuggled up next to a fire with a vino from the best anyway?!

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Image via @olivecooke

The big red rock has never not been on our bucket list, but we are aiming for you this year Uluru. We simply can not wait to learn more about this sacred land, experience the field of light and see the magic of it all for ourselves. 

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Image via @saltytravellers

We're in for the long haul on this last one. Esperence's magical beaches and remote land will be oh so worth the trek across the country. Sign us up!

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