

With thick locks and the best nightly face regime money can buy, Nikki was not prepared to sleep with the bleach and toxic chemicals found in commercial 100% pure mulberry silk, and so Roumage was born.

You've entered the realm of frizz-free hair, dewy skin and the best night’s sleep. Using award winning GOTS Certified Organic Silk, Roumage provides you with made to order luxury.

Handmade in Sydney, Australia by Nikki and with the help from her local seamstress, the utmost love and care goes into sewing each pillow slip. Made to order to ensure there is no wastage and using only the best certified organic silk available you will feel like you’re sleeping on a soft silky cloud each night.

Inspired to find the best organic silk, perfect for a good night sleep and free of chemicals and bleach treatment, Nikki sourced 100% GOTS certified organic silk from Como, Italy. Its producers are the 2017 winner of the Green Carpet Awards for most sustainable producer.

The silk production process is one of the most eco-friendly processes. Silkworms feed off the mulberry leaf. Mulberry tree plantations help with CO2 production offering a large capacity for carbon mitigation. Essentially, the trees store Carbon Dioxide instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. The best part, Roumage silk pillow slips are biodegradable and can be placed back into the ground to break down. Creating a full closed loop life cycle.

You won't regret #sleepingwithroumage

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