18 Jul 2021

Wearable prints with Lottie Hall

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Lottie HALL is the Australian creative boutique label by Designer Lottie Hall, filled with creative, tran-seasonal styles to treasure forever with signature prints hand drawn by Lottie herself. 

In this interview we chat to Lottie about staying true to your brand ethos, making a print wearable and surrounding yourself with inspiring creative friends.

Lottie hall

Q1: Hi Lottie, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
Thank you! I have a clothing brand under my name Lottie HALL. Its a creative print based brand, with a nod to water and art. I design all the prints myself so there is a real handwriting and sign to the brand.

Q2: When did you start designing? What inspired you to go down this path?
I started designing straight after high school, I studied fashion design at RMIT in Melbourne then after two years of study landed my first job as assistant designer for a brand I loved, the rest is history - I worked my way up garnering experience with some great brands before branching out on my own. 

What inspired me down this path was my longing to always stand out and be individual. As a young teenager I started sewing my clothes for parties and underage discos. I just loved to feel unique and use clothes as a creative expression.

Q3: Talk us through your creative process. How do you reach your signature style?
As the brand is print based, its definitely about creating the print or art work idea first then considering the right styles to flatter and make the print wearable.

Q4: What is your favourite piece you’ve created? Why?
Probably the Lumeria Dress, it's bold and unusual and it really catapulted the brands initial attention here and internationally and it gave me the confidence to continue to take risks and trust my personal creativity.

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Q5: What single tool or strategy have you found invaluable to your business so far?
My strategy has always been to have a signature look and don't budge on that. The brand ethos is very strong and doesn't really waver and it has kept it solid and a point of difference. There is no point offering something everyone else is doing.

Q6: What (and who) is involved in the process of bringing your products to life?
Me, me and me generally and my lovely factory in Indonesia. My partner Jock for advice and my best friend Tess Leopold for her amazing photography skills, otherwise I literally do everything.

Q7: What is your big hope and dream for your work?
Honestly at this stage in my life as long as there are customers who like my designs and it works as a successful business I am so happy.

Obviously being a fashion girl through and through I can think of major stores and celebrities that would be incredible goals but it's not something I focus on at this stage in my life.

Growing it more sustainably and finding better fabrications and all things sustainability is my ultimate goal right now.

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8: What are your top 3 superpowers?
Ha ha functioning great off little sleep! Extreme positivity and outlook and…. impeccable music taste (says me)!

Q9: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
Successful mothers who are creative people (very specific but I am a mum with little time so these people are super human to me). I love to be surrounded by inspiring creative friends that are do-ers! It keeps me motivated.

Q10: In what ways are you supporting your favourite creators during these uncertain times?
I am still shopping up a storm!

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