09 Jul 2021

The importance of being kind with Huski Studios

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Founded by partners Abbey Ginns and Bryce Williams, Huski Studios is a family owned and run furniture company that was born from a mutual love of timeless design and beautiful forms.

In this interview Abbey chats with us about how she is breaking the mould with Huski Studios, the importance of being kind (it's key) and taking the risk to do what you love!  

Abbey huski studios

Q1: Hi Abbey, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
Hi guys, thank you so much for featuring me on here! I am one of the faces behind Huski Studios, a bespoke furniture company.

Q2: What inspired you to start Huski Studios?
I’ve always loved creating beautiful spaces and wanted to explore working with interiors. After renovating a villa with my partner and designing the furniture for our space, I got a taste of what we could create and Huski was born - with many months of work and countless times of defeat might I add.

Q3: How do you break the mould and create a point of difference with Huski Studios?

We really wanted to emphasise the quality and timelessness of our pieces, we’ve designed them to last and be passed down through generations.

Q4: What single tool or strategy have you found invaluable to your role so far?
Being kind - communication is so important in every aspect of my role and I really believe kindness is key.

Q5: How does Huski Studios relate to your personality and who you are?
It’s natural, uncomplicated and refined. Being in a space with our pieces makes me feel at home - it makes so much sense in my head. I’m not great at articulating that haha! I’ve really made an effort to buy quality not quantity in my lifestyle, and thats exactly what Huski is about.

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Q6: What is your big hope and dream for your work?
To have Huski all over the world one day!

What is the last thing you read, listened or watched that inspired you, and how?
Australian Birth stories - since having a bub I’m kind of a birth story addict. I will forever be in awe of women growing and delivering babies, easily the most inspiring thing to me.

Q8: What are your top 3 superpowers?
Making people laugh, cooking & giving massages.

Q9: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
My Mum, her strength is unbelievable.

Q10: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?
Do what you love, take the risk!

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