27 Aug 2021

The considered wardrobe

The considered wardrobe

Is it just us or does there seem to be more and more fast fashion brands popping up left right and centre?! 

Or maybe we are just getting less and less interested in what they have to offer.. Either way its making us regularly and continuously check in with ourselves and what we actually want when it comes to building a considered wardrobe. 

Theres no denying it, the increasing amount of fast fashion and its associated contributions to never ending land fill is a very scary thought for our futures and the future of our planet. 

To be honest we believe that each and every one of us should be at some stage on the sustainability journey by now, wether you have just started to read about the impacts of fast fashion and the choices we make or if you are waist deep in advocating a circular economy, there are so many factors to consider when shopping ethically and looking after your clothing. 

1. Do your research.  

It's a saddening thought that there are so many big companies out there that would sacrifice the longevity of our planet for money, but it's also a reality.
This means its our responsibility as consumers to decipher the junk from the treasure by asking the important questions before clicking add to cart; 'where are these made?' 'what were the working conditions these were made in?'  'where do the fabrics come from?'.
Let's be honest with each other, if you are paying $13 for a bikini you can bet that someone was exploited in the making of it. 

2. Shop local and second hand.

Sustainability is also about sustaining our futures and one of the best ways to do this is shopping local with artisans directly. From those who you know their stories, why they do what they do and where the profits go (usually to supporting their families).
Not only is this supporting your local economy, you know exactly what quality you are getting, and if you ask us we would much rather give a little extra to our community for the reassurance that the products will last. This can also reduce chances of having to return or exchange the items and in turn saving on extra packaging and more CO2 in transport back and forth. 

Shopping second hand and vintage is an even better option when and where we can do this. According to the ABC’s War on Waste, Australians throw away 6,000 kilos of fashion and textile waste every 10 minutes. 
Striving for a circular fashion industry is not only extremely important for our social and environmental futures it is absolutely necessary. 
So next time you are in need of something new, instead of jumping straight onto your favourite clothing store try searching your local oppy or flea market, or jump online to some pre loved market places like Designer Wardrobe or Boheme Goods

3. Cost per wear

If you follow Jasmine Dowling you know the girl's got style. But what we love most about jasmine and her take on fashion is her her ethos, and one of our favourites from her is cost per wear. 

How often do we hear the phrase 'quality over quantity' when buying clothing and wares, and it's so true, but do we ever stop to really think about that and why. 

The way Jasmine talks about fashion and investing in timeless, good quality and long lasting pieces is by cost per wear. Jasmine has some bouje pieces if we do say so ourselves, however she purchases them with much consideration, knowing they have been made well, knowing they are pieces she will wear for a long time and that she will look after them.  The price of the piece is then devised into how many wears she will get out of it because of all of the above, smart eh?  

4. Looking after your clothing. 

It's easy to play the blame game when we have a piece of clothing that we think should have lasted longer, or to toss something in the trash that has a hole in the seam because well who could be bothered fixing that. 

It's a hard truth but if you're doing this, you're just as much a contributor to land fill as the big dogs and we've all been guilty of it at one time or another. 

So what should we be doing? You've followed the above 3 points, and you've found yourself a gem vintage find from your local oppy, score. 
Before anything else have a read of the care instructions with your new piece (and all of your clothing while your at it). We want to get the longest life out of our clothing as possible, that means washing less and washing right. 

It also means if you find something you own is damaged, try and repair it rather than tossing it, or if this isn't your forte pass it along to a friend to repair and keep for themselves, there is always someone out there who will find your trash their treasure!


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