13 Jul 2021

Sacred Bundle on their creative process: a long but necessary journey

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Brooke and Guill's journey first began when they met in France in 2014. Sacred Bundle was originally Brooke's brainchild as she had been dreaming of designing a unique nappy bag for years. 

It didn't take long after their first kiss to decide that this was something they wanted to do as a couple and since then, Sacred Bundle has brought their creative minds together to deliver their best. 

Fast forward to today and Brooke and Guill create collections filled with uniquely designed and exclusive handmade items for you and your little people. 

In this interview Brooke shares insight into their creative process, a single tool that has been invaluable to their business so far and her big hopes and dreams for Sacred Bundle. 

Q1: Hi Brooke, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
Hi guys, thank you so much for having us. Sacred Bundle specialises in designing luxe unique mum and bub accessories using a variety of different materials with inspiration from various cultural backgrounds.

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Q2: When did you start Sacred Bundle? What inspired you to go down this path?

Guill and I launched Sacred Bundle on the 1st of Jan 2016. Around the middle of 2015 when all of our Sacred Bundle dreams and ideas were being thrown about there was only a couple of stockists of rattan baby products in Australia. At the time we were both living in the South of France, Guills home town where there was endless inspiration of vintage heirloom rattan bassinets. We decided that this was what we wanted to focus on and re visit old designs.

Our collection has grown so much since we launched in 2016 and it has been so much fun creating and adding to our range.

Q3: Talk us through your creative process. How do you reach your signature style?
The creative process, where to start...

It is always a long journey but so very necessary. Guill and I really like to think outside the box when we are designing. It all starts with a vision and inspiration which can come from so many different things, places, countries ect. Once the ideas start coming to mind we put pen to paper or nowadays (an ipad, apple pencil & a program called procreate will be your best friend) and start sketching our designs.

Once we are happy with our drawings they will be sent to our factory and the first samples will be produced yay! Pre Covid Guill and I would then travel to the factory overseas every 6-8 weeks to meet up with the artisans and view the first samples. Usually it would take 2-4 samples being made of each new design to get it 100% right. After all a drawing can look so very different once the product has been made.

Designing your own products can take a long time but it is so rewarding when you release a new collection and people love it as much as you loved designing it and makes it all worth it. People start to fall in love with your brand and the uniqueness of it and generally get excited to see what comes next.

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Q4: What is your favourite piece you’ve created? Why?

I think our favourite piece at the moment would be the Ziggy cot and buffet and the Saba bassinet I think because they are both very different and mixing the two materials was fun and the items turned out so beautifully. Both products have been extremely popular for the past year which is unreal! Every time Guill and I open up and assemble a Ziggy cot we both look at each other and say “how freaking beautiful is this cot” haha. It’s just a statement piece and different to what’s in the market these days. The Saba bassinet is also one of those pieces that is a statement with its sleek white or black iron legs and with the mix of natural rattan and iron top.

We are working on quite a few new products at the moment which is super exciting! We can’t wait to share with you all.

Q5: What single tool or strategy have you found invaluable to your business so far?
SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram in particular has been a vital tool for our exposure and growth. Working with select influencers has also played an important role in building brand awareness.

Participating in group giveaways with business’s that compliment our brand and collection is always a successful way to be introduced to new crowds that are more likely to love our collections.

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Q6: What (and who) is involved in the process of bringing your products to life?

There are quite a number of people involved in the process of bringing our products to life. It starts with Guill and I, it is just the two of us running our business here in Australia. It might be time to bring on a helper very soon which will be fun. There is a small army of extremely talented artisans in our factory overseas hand making our beautiful products, this includes the sampling team of roughly 4-6 people (each specialising in a different area for example weaving, framing, finishing process) then you have the production team of roughly 20-30 people then the quality control & packing
team which is roughly 5-10 people.

Guill and I love visiting the factory and can not wait to get over there and see everyone hopefully soon. It is truly so incredible to sit with the team and watch and learn each aspect of the production process.

Q7: What is your big hope and dream for your work?

Oh big question! I guess our big hopes and dreams was to really turn this business into something amazing and maybe to one day be internationally recognised. Since launching Sacred Bundle 5 years ago it has turned into a full time job for both Guill and I from a little side hustle just doing the markets once a month and running it from under our house haha.

This year we hit a huge milestone when we eventually found out that Gigi Hadid!!! Had purchased 3 of our products the Woven Sunrise bassinet, Ziggy cot and the Iron weave change table. Like how on earth did she find us?... Mind blown. Thank you Gigi!

The next step Guill and I are really working towards is to launch Sacred Bundle in the US hopefully early in the new year. Watch this space!

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Q8: What are your top 3 superpowers?

Resilience, Strong eye for detail, Creativity!

Q9: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
To be honest, Women every day inspire me. As a Women not having any children as yet and running my own business it is stressful enough. My goodness seeing all the incredible go getters out there with children and running their own business’s you Women are AMAZING! It’s a tough gig and good on you for showing anything is possible with the right mind set and determination.

Q10: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?

To the next generation... Take the leap, chase your dream and make it happen. Don’t give up. Think outside the square and be creative, offer the people something different, I guarantee people will love something unique instead of something saturated. Be loyal and kind always. Xx

We’d love to ask…. in what ways are you supporting your favourite creators during these uncertain times?

During this challenging time, we’re trying to support our fellow small business’s as much as we can by sharing, tagging promoting and collaborating with other brands. It has been a tough time for all of us.


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