24 May 2021

Not taking sh*t too seriously with LAZE.RES

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Summer and Alexa are the two women behind LAZE.RES, a collection of luxury oversized towels made for the pool, beach and home. 

They chat with us about product versatility, letting their brand evolve naturally and organically and not taking sh*t too seriously! 

Q1: Hi Summer and Alexa, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
Hello lovely ladies. Our brand LAZE.RES is a collection of the softest luxury, oversized towels that are made for the pool, beach & home. They are designed by us here in Noosa and hand crafted ethically and sustainably in a family run business in Turkey.

Q2: What inspired you to start LAZE.RES?

We realized a gap in the market for oversized, artistic style towels ---- we just wanted one big enough to share. Versatile and unique was one of our main approaches. Along with beach and pool, we wanted bathroom and interior styling vibes too. After many years of sampling and dedication to our towel dreams, LAZE.RES came to life.

Q3: How do you break the mould and create a point of difference with the brand?

We have always loved creating and we think this allows LAZE.RES to always be a reflection of our own unique art style. Our towel designs are our own artwork, always.

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Q4: What single tool or strategy have you found invaluable to your journey so far?
To us, patience and trusting our instinct is how we work. We don’t like to rush things and we love letting our brand evolve naturally and organically.

Q5: How does LAZE.RES relate to your personality and who you are?

Our towles reflect a calming feeling. They are reminders to always take time to laze. Even if you are busy, it is so important. It allows your mind to rest, rejuvenate and brings new ideas and creative flow. KEEP LAZING LOVERS

Q6: What is your big hope and dream for your work?

We have loved enjoying our first collection ‘FILE 1’ and taking it slow but we have many plans in store for LAZE.RES. We have some really exciting new things coming very soon!!! Our main dream is to be able to continue releasing new towel designs and accessories. To us LAZE.RES isn’t just a summer thing, it’s an all year round brand. We got you.

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Q7: What is the last thing you read, listened or watched that inspired you, and how?
We’ve always been really into astrology and what it means for each day, week, month and year, not just for ourselves but for our business also. It’s crazy how much can be interpreted before it happens. Many plans for your brand can be made with astrology in mind.

A recent movie we LOVE is the newly released ‘The Secret: Dare to Dream’, it’s about the law of attraction and the power of manifestation. Watch it if you haven’t!!!

Q8: What are your top 3 superpowers?

  1. We are sisters and are really close, so we have that freaky intuition where we can communicate without taking and just
    always know what each other is thinking. We have the same ideas in mind for LAZE.RES without even discussing them yet.
  2. Laughing all day every day, is that a superpower?? Hahahah
  3. Not taking shit too seriously! And knowing there is always a reason for everything. If something doesn’t work out, later on we can reflect and realise why.
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Q9: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
Women in general!! All women around us are an inspiration in their own unique and special way. The most inspirational to us are the ones chasing their dreams, even if they seem far!

Q10: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?

Keep going no matter what and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

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