30 Dec 2020

New Year Please playlist

Helena yankovska 7 Eb Gk Om8p WM unsplash

I could go on and on about the year that was, however I think I speak for everyone when I say we've heard enough about it. 

One thing is for sure, we can guarantee that sending out 2020 will be celebrated universally by all, and the best way to celebrate is of course with a boogie. 

Wether you're on a dance floor or you're confined to the dance floor that is your kitchen table, we know that around the globe we will all be thanking f*ck that the year is done and dusted. 

So obviously we had to curate a soundtrack to see out the year in style, and boy did we ever. We didn't hold back on this one with a variety of tunes from Cherry Lips by Garbage to Respect by our gal Aretha. This one will get you through to the end, to closing time in fact. 

Listen to New Year Please

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