04 May 2021

I Love Linen's dreamy clothing and homewares

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Lauren Roe is the founder and owner of I Love linen, a premium range of french linen bedding, clothing and homewares that are the definition of dreamy.

Taking inspiration from their travels and Australian roots, the I Love Linen philosophy is to create designs that blend beautifully into your life and last for years to come.

In this Q&A we chat to Lauren about creating with the customer in mind, using collaborations to get creative and artistic and evolving organically.

Q1: In your own words, please tell us what you do and how it came to be…
I am the Creative Director and Founder of I Love Linen, which I have been in the role since 2013. After the birth of my first daughter Olive, I decided to launch my own business with the intent of going back to my ‘normal’ job in Marketing…fast forward many years later and here I am still!

Q2: What inspired the beginning of I Love Linen? Was your current business always on the cards or did you have other dreams growing up?
I had always working in Marketing and Creative roles, and my family had also worked in textiles for many years so it was sort of a natural progression to take my existing experience and skills and work in an area of ecommerce, which to be honest was not an area I had much experience in at all. But I have always had a really hard work ethic and don’t like to fail so I was intent on making this succeed!

Q3: Can you share with us how you are creating a point of difference in the homewares and lifestyle game?I wish I knew what our secret recipe was, and believe me we work very hard as a team. We like to be able to offer a range of products that span all facets of life, not only bedding, in colours that we produce ourselves to really provide that extra special something, and show customers how to style them because everyone loves the inspo.

Q4: I Love Linen has evolved so much since your initial bedding range! How did you navigate creating and adding the right products to compliment your offering?
Again a great question and this is just something that happened organically as my style has modulated over time. To be honest when I first started the business it was in my mind, a short term maternity leave project. When I realised this could be something bigger and long term I began investing in designs that I wanted in my own home hence the focus on French linen in earthy tones and not just bedding but clothing and dining and bathing items too!

Q5: When collaborating, how do you choose to work with brands and people that align with your passions and values? What are important deciding factors in this process?
Having the same sense of creative spirit it vital. Collaborations while being a commercial process are in my mind the one time when we get to really be more creative and artistic, throw a bit of caution to the wind and dig deep into ideas we’ve always wanted to pursue. We have some really amazing collabs this year planned!

Q6: What does the future look like for I Love Linen? Do you have a business plan in place or do you like to keep things fluid?
We have a plan of sorts for sure, but naturally pivot as the situation changes. Right now with the current Pandemic naturally we have had to change a number of plans! But a business plan is absolutely key to keep the team and I on track and ensure we’re succeeding.

Q7: It’s safe to say all businesses are going through challenging times right now. Can you share with us what aspects of your business you are needing to pivot and how you are innovating?
We have to mainly ensure that the products we make are assisting in our customers’ lives as they themselves transition to a new way of living. Even if it’s a temporary time, all our work needs to be mindful of what is important to people right now. With that in mind we’re sharing other small businesses and promoting them, giving our community access to health, wellness, cooking and artistic inspiration as they look for ways to stay engaged spending all this time at home.

Q8: We find it so important to have a strong support network in both business and in life. Who is in your support network?
I have a great group of friends who also own their own businesses and they are my absolute lifeline when it comes to sharing and caring!

Q9: What are you passionate about?
I love so many things! I am inspired by art, architecture food and wine. Usually I travel overseas several times a year which in this current climate is a bit harder to do. But I look forward to exploring this beautiful country of ours for some inspiration and photoshoots soon too!

Q10: What are your top 3 superpowers?
Haha! What a question!
1. Pragmatism – I am very pragmatic and able to weigh up the pros and cons in a business situation, I don’t like sitting around doing nothing and not finding a solution.
2. As an over thinker I do tend to think about all the possible outcomes and plan for them all, but that means I tend to be prepared!
3. My ability to pull together a very good cheese and wine board!

Q11: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?
Do your research, ensure the numbers make sense and be prepared to work as hard as you ever have.

Q12: One last thing… share with us a quirky fact about yourself! Something that people might not know about you?

Wow I wish I had a secretly liberating side to myself but I tend to be a very open book! Nothing terribly quirky about me.


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