06 May 2021

Finding inspiration in the ocean with Tess Miller

Woman Of Art 8

My sculptures are echoes of the sea and me, they reflect the connection that I have with the ocean and my love for it.

I draw inspiration from the hidden shapes in the waves and the sand. I create my sculptures to feel the connection with the song of the sea.

Hi Tess, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
I create sculptural vessels that echo the dancing of the waves and the singing of the sands, I create from a state of stillness and inspiration form the ocean and the connection I feel.

Talk us through your creative process. How do you reach your signature style?
I start with a idea , and I sit with it and ponder, I see shapes and objects in nature and use them to inspire me, I start with clay rolling out coils and making a shape and then from there I follow my intuition.

What is your big hope and dream for your work?
My big hope and dream is to create beautiful sculptures that change a space into a calm and comforting place. I would love to work with people to create something for a space or home that bring them joy and connection with nature.

What are your top 3 superpowers?
1. Optimistic, always looking for the sliver lining 2. Brave, love trying new things, pushing myself out of my comfort zone 3. My willingness to never give up

We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
All the women in my life. Friends, family, I am constantly inspired. They are all strong, brave and the love they share is truly magic.

What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?
Follow your heart and dreams, no matter how crazy or stupid you may think they are follow them. Life is too short to not do what you love.

Woman Of Art 7

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