21 Jul 2021

Experimenting and learning with Pash Pottery

Artist portrait Michelle Pash

Michelle Pash is the woman behind Pash Pottery and Floristry

Experimenting with wheel throwing and connecting different wheel-thrown components, I make vases that explore form. I like to create vases that have interesting silhouettes and are a unique shape. The marbling of the different clay in these vases is also something of intrigue to me. 

Looking at the different marbled colours, you can see the motion of swirling hues with the resemblance to clouds of a setting sky or natural patterns seen in wood and stone. These are functional vases that are an experimentation of form and pay homage to patterns seen in nature.

Hi Michelle, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
I am a potter that specialises in wheel-throwing and make vases made up of different wheel-thrown components to make unusual vase shapes.

Talk us through your creative process. How do you reach your signature style?

The combination of my interest in ceramic form and wheel throwing has created my signature style, where I arrange different wheel-thrown components together to make unusual pottery vases.

What is your big hope and dream for your work?
To have a long life with pottery. To keep learning the craft and creating because the possibilities for what I imagine and have seen made with ceramics is endless. I hope to keep having the opportunities to share my work and one day teach ceramics to people that share the same passion.

What are your top 3 superpowers?
Patience, openness to different ideas and experiences, and a love for nature, that can keep me grounded and be a constant source of inspiration.

We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
My mother Estrella because she is very hardworking, generous and loving. She inspires me to work hard to keep pursuing my art.

The other women that inspire me are my lecturer Ulrike and all the women I studied art with at uni. Their artwork told me so many stories about their lives and opened me up to new ideas. We are all still friends after finishing our studies and still, support and inspire each other now. Lastly, my friends, they are all creative and beautiful.

What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?
Don't be afraid of trying new things. It doesn't matter if you succeed or fail at what you try. What is most important is allowing yourself to learn, whether you learn something new or it doesn't work out, you still learn from all experiences and everything you learn is yours and that is the most amazing gift you can give yourself.

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