04 Jun 2021

Designing passionately and purposefully with Mi Designs


Mia Pittard-Watt is the local creative talent behind Mi Designs co, a branding, graphic design and illustration business here on the Sunshine Coast. She's also the genius behind some of the eye catching collages featured on Woman. 

With an obvious creative flare and eye for style Mia has turned her love for design into her career. She shares with us the importance of staying true to your brand personality and always creating purposefully and passionately. 

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Q1. Hi Mia, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
Hey girls, thanks for having me! I am a graphic designer, specialising in: branding, illustrations, collage art, catalogues, print & digital design. I also have a range of plantable gift cards with simplistic designs.

Q2: How did you break into the industry? And how do you continue to create a point of
Whilst studying, I was lucky enough to pick up work with a local design firm along with a few internships at other firms all expanding my skills and giving me the confidence in myself and my design. So I took a leap of faith and registered Mi Designs Co. I pride myself on my ability to communicate with clients, in order to bring their visions to life.

Q3: Can you give us a snapshot of your creative process?
When I have an idea or a client sends through a brief, I generally start with a sketch in my design journal along with notes. I then take those sketches and develop them digitally. I often seek inspiration from Pinterest and other digital sources as well.


Q4: We’re noticing more and more brands and businesses creating intentionally. Do you
believe it is important to have a message behind what you do, and if so, what is this
to you?
I think it’s important to stay true to your brands personality and to design passionately and purposefully. For me, it stems from a place of love for what I do. Not every piece has to have a message, often it can just be for fun.

Q5: What has been the biggest lesson in your journey so far?
Don’t sell yourself short and not to get disheartened when the creative process isn’t flowing

Q6: What have you found is important in life and business to you? Have your priorities
shifted over time?
Hard work goes a long way, however you have to remember to have fun too! Balance is key. For me, it is important to build and maintain positive relationships with those around you in both life and business. The core of my belief hasn’t changed greatly, I’m constantly learning and changing through experience.


Q7: With this in mind, what is your big hope and dream for your work?
I would love Mi Designs Co to keep expanding. I love making people's dreams become reality. There is an excitement that comes with starting a business and I enjoy being a part of that process.

Q8: What are your top 3 superpowers?
Eye for detail, communication and creative flare.

Q9: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
I’m lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing women in my life! My friends & family are a massive part of my inspiration. I also love women who have a voice and speak out about what they’re passionate about. Creatively, I draw inspiration from other artists, fashion icons and magazines.

Q10:What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in
Follow your dreams and build a career around what you love. Finding balance is very important, have fun and work passionately!

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