06 Sep 2021

Deiji Studios on cultivating and supporting a team

000095620029 Juliette Harkness

The loungewear we've all fallen in love with,  Deiji studios is the creation of friends Juliette Harkness and Emma Nelson. 

Drawing from their name Deiji meaning daisy - the brand focuses on natural perfection and humble beauty.. A winning combination in our books. 

Co-founder Juliette shared with us the inspirations and journey of balancing business, a team and being a mother. 

Q. Welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
At Deiji Studios we produce high comfort, high quality linen bedding and a range of loungewear to blur the lines between sleepwear and ready-to-wear.

Q. Can you share with us a bit about your journey so far and where it all began?
Deiji was launched 5 years ago with linen bedding, we had a small garage that housed our products, not long after launching we started designing loungewear, we found that we wanted to dress easy and comfortably whilst still feeling chic, clothing that could take you from bed to beach and beyond.

The 01, 02 and 03 sets were our first designs and now our signature styles. We continue to do better with our sustainability practices as we scale which is such a huge part of our brands ethos. Constantly learning as we grow.

We now have a beautiful team who we are lucky enough to work with everyday.

Q. What do you think it is that makes your work unique?
I am lucky enough to work with one of my closest friends and business partner - Emma.

We both bring different skills to the table that really compliment each other.

Q. What has been the single most crucial tool or strategy you’ve used to grow your creative business?

I think it would be networking and having a great team.

Q. What’s been the most challenging lesson learnt so far in your career?

Being patient, balancing being a mother and running a business.

Q.What’s been the best thing that’s happened to you since you started your career?
Growing our business to support a team of now 6 and being able to work and do what I love while raising a family.

Q. Where do you go or what do you do to recharge your creativity?
Being able to spend some more time working on Juem our other small business we hold very close to our hearts. And whilst in lockdown, cooking.

Q. We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?

My mother, she has just overcome ovarian cancer and seeing her positivity, drive and focus through the whole process of chemotherapy is just the most inspiring.

Q. What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?
We all have the ability with in us to make it happen, follow your passions and back yourself.


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