15 Mar 2021

Connecting one-on-one with Georgia Hartmann

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Georgia Hartmann is the founder of a specialised online clinic helping women balance hormones, overcome thyroid disorders and optimise genetic function.

In this interview we chat to Georgia about practising exclusively online, connecting one-on-one with your community and above all, enjoying the process.

Q1: Hi Georgia, welcome to the Woman Of Series! Can you tell us what it is you create?
Thank you for having me!

I’m the founder of a specialised online women’s health clinic that creates resilient women. Every day I speak with women, of all ages, who are experiencing hormonal imbalances, whether it looks like a lack of energy, or uncontrolled stress and anxiety, or period problems, or acne, or digestive complaints, or menopausal symptoms, or a diagnosis of a thyroid disorder, PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, the list goes on.

It’s through the blend of conventional and complementary medicine that I have the privilege to help women regain their health.

Q2: When did you start naturopathy? What inspired you to go down this path?
I started studying naturopathic medicine when I was 19 years old. At the time I was at the University of New South Wales looking to study medicine. My sister had called to tell me about her recent experience with a naturopath who has transformed her life. I didn’t even know what a naturopath was. Though my sister, who even after two laparoscopies to remove her stage 4 endometriosis, was adamant that the relief she had found was through the blend of conventional and complementary medicine. Gobsmacked at her transformation, I knew I had to explore the realm of complementary medicine.

My sister’s journey coupled with my bachelor studies led me to discover and overcome my own reproductive abnormalities. In my final year of uni, I was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure (basically early menopause). Being told I wouldn’t even qualify for IVF as a twenty-something-year-old was heartbreaking. Yet, I’m proud to say that after years of working on my own hormones, I’ve gone on to conceive naturally. (Currently 36 weeks pregnant at the time of this interview).

Q3: Talk us through your creative process. How do you attract your ideal clients?
Social media has transformed my business. I’ve solely focused on creating a hub for women to connect and overcome their hormonal imbalances. Practicing exclusively online allows for great flexibility and my own opportunity to help women worldwide─I absolutely love it!

Q4: Can you share with us how you are creating a point of difference in the naturopathy scene?
I actually have something very exciting in the pipeline, but what I can share with you right now is that my ultimate goal is to hold the space for women to become the absolute best version of themselves─whether that looks like overcoming the uncertainties of their twenties; the reproductive concerns of their thirties; the stress and anxieties of their forties; the menopausal symptoms of their fifties; and beyond.

Q5: What single tool or strategy have you found invaluable to your business so far?
Connecting one-on-one with my community. Community is everything in my business. Particularly when you are operating exclusively online, it’s important to always remember your audience─what do they need right now?

Q6: What (and who) is involved in the process of bringing your products to life?
Years of study, clinical experience, industry awards, and personal hardship has led to the birth of my business. At the moment, I am the founder, the practitioner, the marketing director, the social media strategist, the administrator, the accountant, etc etc. Of course, my partner, Steven, would be absolutely horrified if he didn’t get the title of ‘financial advisor’ (mind you, he is definitely slack with his hours).

Q7: What is your big hope and dream for your work?
The hope: for women to understand how their bodies are meant to feel.
The dream: to create the ultimate hub for women of all ages to overcome the hurdles they experience.

Q8: What are your top 3 superpowers?
Determination. Persistence. Sarcasm.

Q9: We’re all about women inspiring women. Who inspires you?
The women who are told that they’re too inexperienced yet jump in and give it a go anyway.

Q10: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women, and women in business?
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot achieve. No matter your education, your age, your experience, your background, your financial situation─you can do whatever it is your heart desires. All you have to do is get clear on your goal and show up each and every day. Be determined. Be persistent. And above all, enjoy the process.

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