08 Jun 2021

Commercial photography with Lumea Photo

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Photographer Amy Higg is the creative genius of our dreams and we were lucky enough to catch up with her and talk all things clients, balance and running two successful businesses!

Q1: In your own words, please tell us what you do and how it came to be…
I'm a photographer, I run two photography businesses.

Lumea Photo
which is a commercial photography business that equips people, brands and businesses with on brand photography content.

And Amy Higg Photography, a wedding photography business that I run full time as well!

I never thought about being a commercial photographer, but Lumea Photo came about as I was asked to shoot a coffee event for a friend Leon from Vintage Black, after the event the editor of The Urban List saw the photos and got in contact with me and asked if I would consider working for them.

I'd never photographed food before but decided to give it a go, and then quickly realised that I really enjoyed it. Freelancing for The Urban List also gave me an amazing opportunity to meet so many business owners and often the owners would see the photos I took for the urban list and then ask me back to do photos for their business website + socials.

Suddenly I was doing at least 1-2 commercial jobs a day!

Finally last year I decided to not just treat the commercial work as a side hustle to my weddings and instead rebrand it to Lumea Photo.

Best decision I've made!

Q2: Where are you from, and how did you come to be living life as you know it? Was Lumea Photo always on the cards for you or did you have another dream growing up?
I'm a born and breed Sunny Coast girl! Lumea was definitely not something on the cards!

I went from wanting to be a cop, to an architect when I was in school (crazy!)

But photography was always something I loved and after high school pursued. After finishing my studies I moved to Canada for a few years and worked in a photography studio there.

Then moved back to Australia and started shooting weddings and building up my own business, while also managing a cafe full time!

As my wedding photography business built I finally made the decision to quit the cafe and did full time weddings. And then, like mentioned above, my commercial photography business, Lumea Photo, just naturally unfolded!

Q3: What is your biggest pinch-me career moment?
Every time a client is really happy with their images, it honestly never gets old!

I think it's a very special thing for a business to see their work photographed through someone else's eyes.

And also a really tiny private moment recently, where I was setting up my new office and I found an old work roster (from my teenage days working at blockbuster!!) with a hand written savings plan to buy my first SLR camera on the back of the roster.

I sat in awe for a while realising just how far I'd grown from the young girl who worked at the video store to sitting in my own office running two successful businesses.

Sometimes you just need a little reminder of how far you've come and that was a big one for me and definitely a pinch me moment!

Q4: What does a day in the life of Lumea Photo look like?
Always starts with a cup of tea, normally try squeeze in a yoga class, then emails and admin for an hour or so. The rest of the day is filled with editing and a shoot somewhere throughout the day! I actually spend majority of my day sitting at a computer! But when I am out shooting it can look like anything from a full menu restaurant shoot to styling and shooting a product, or photographing champagne by a hotel pool! It varies so much!

Q5: There’s obviously a lot of elements involved in Lumea Photo from photographing, editing, client management. What do you find the most satisfying?
Working with a whole range of people is definitely one of my favourite things about the work.

I feel really lucky to meet so many other business owners who are working hard and pouring out their passions. Documenting it all for them, is really rewarding to me

Q6: What are you passionate about?
Approaching everything in life with the attitude to do my best until I know better, and then do better.

I've learnt from many other amazing women and men in my life that doing what you love and doing it to the best of your ability inspires others to do what they love to.

Passion breeds passion.

Q7: What are your top 3 superpowers?
I think I can make people comfortable quite quickly, this helps a lot and is something I've definitely learnt and refined photographing people.

I'm a total introvert and I think it helps me notice things that others often miss.

I can also eat ice cream at literally any time of day, probably my most important superpower ;)

Q8: We’ve all experienced those times in business where you just feel like throwing in the towel. What tools have you learnt to get you through these difficult times?
Take time out, do something you love. Refresh yourself. For me it's going camping or hiking or spending a whole day reading a book. Business requires your all, all of the time. And I think switching off from it even for a few hours helps you remember why you love it and want to keep doing it.

Also make a list, always make a list. haha

Q9: What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?
Everyones differences makes us stronger (especially in business!)

Never underestimate simple acts of kindness.

Q10: What does happiness look like through the eyes of Lumea Photo?
I think this has changed a little over the last two years.

Two years ago I was really going after the hustle of busy business owner life, I still definitely love the hustle of it all and push myself a lot, but I am enjoying more of a balance these days.

So happiness looks like enough work but not a full-to-the-brim plate, time off spent with my partner Josh and family. Time outdoors, sunshine filled afternoons with a beer in hand. Simple things and a slower pace of life...

Q11: What does your ideal Sunday entail?
I love waking early but staying in bed with a cup of tea and a book. Then getting outside or going for a drive somewhere, exploring a new area or town.

Ending the day with a good sunset spot and an IPA or red wine in hand.

Then heading to get wood fire pizza at one of our fav spots, and having an early night in, watching a movie!

Q12: Where is your favourite place in the world to have a vino? Where are you off to next?
At the moment at home, we just renovated our courtyard and I love it, we've got these two beautiful white sling chairs next to a big olive tree and it's the perfect place to cheers.

Very close second choice would be somewhere in Italy! And that's where I'm headed next! My partner and I just booked a Europe getaway for early next year and we're soooo excited!

Q13: Who, or what are you listening to or reading right now?
I'm currently reading a lot of fiction because I find it good down time, I recently read The circle by Dave Eggers and loved it.

New philosopher Magazine is always one I pick up randomly, I loved their recent edition called Finding Balance.

I always recommend Simon sineks "Start with why" for any business owners.

And always listening to "The creative muscle" (my fav podcast)

Q14: One last thing… share with us a quirky fact about yourself! Something that people might not know about you?
I'm really into planning trips - whenever I book a holiday somewhere, I'm instantly starting a Pinterest board and researching like crazy, all the places to eat and drink and see! I find it really fun to research, and I love imagining it all and getting excited about it.

Funnily though, when I travel I often don't stick to any plans. I'm definitely a wander around, go with the flow kind of traveller! So the plans never really get put to use!

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