22 Jul 2021

7 signs you’ve been seriously overdoing it girlfriend

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Devastating bushfires. A global pandemic. World wide Black Lives Matter protests creating the largest civil rights movement in history. Sounds like a dream right? Nope, that's just 2020. It's hard to believe that with a year filled with so much already, we've only just reached the half way point.

As we reflect on the past 6 months, and slowly shift back in to the everyday routine of socialising with real (yes, real) humans, we've been hearing loud and clear that the forced 'halt' 2020 has bought to our lives has us all in agreement of one thing... that we were ALL doing far too much beforehand!

Whether you're under the impression that we’re in the middle of a mass conscious awakening, or you’ve finally decided that now is the perfect time to give yourself a break, we’re here to remind you just what we’ve learnt during this little ‘stay-cay’.

Need further convincing? Here are 7 signs that you've been seriously overdoing it girlfriend.

1. You do not have to be ON 24/7.
Yes. Sleep is as good (and as necessary) as they make it out to be. All of a sudden you’ve been getting a full nights sleep, your head seems to have cleared and you can be twice as productive and half as tired as previously. It’s like magic.

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2. Doing creative things like air dry clay and making banana bread every second day makes you really really happy.
Who would have thought. Creativity is good for the soul. And we ALL need more of it. Don’t forget it lady.

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3. Your current career, job or just your day to day really isn’t doing it for you anymore.
You’ve know this for a long time but now you’ve really had the chance to stop and assess, and cringe at the thought of going back to what you were doing before. Now is your time girl. Get that new job you’ve been dreaming of, start that course or just stop what your doing all together and have the extended break you deserve.

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4. You feel like you’ve taken a breath (albeit with a face mask on) for the first time in a long time.
Breathe in, breathe out, yes that is oxygen entering your body, the very thing that keeps you alive, and you’ve suddenly realised how good it feels to consciously breathe in and out each day, to meditate, to move your body. You know, those vital things you’ve been neglecting. Keep it up girl.

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5. You realise while in isolation that you’ve isolated yourself from those closest to you by putting work before them.
However the fact that you feel extremely alone realising this, you are 100% not alone on this one. We’re all guilty of it but guess what, there’s no better time than now to start reconnecting and reforming those relationships. If you’re honest your true friends will be relieved that finally you’ve seen the light. And those ones that don’t, it’s not the end of the world, we’ve got a whole community waiting for you.

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6. You’ve learnt more about yourself and the world in the last 3 months than you have in the last 3 years.
So you’ve finally had a chance to pick up that self help book you’ve had sitting on your bedside table for 18 months, and I’m guessing it probably is telling you to slow down and stop overdoing it. Yep, we thought so, not only that you’ve actually been able to sit with yourself and feel what your feeling instead of pushing into the darkest corner of your mind where it can wait to creep up on you when your least expecting it, aaaaand you’ve finally realised that you need to learn about politics because otherwise were all doomed to a life of Trump and Kanye ruled worlds. Don’t worry we have regrets too.

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7. And finally, you have no clue how you ever were physically and mentally doing as much as you were pre world imploding in on itself and the thought of it gives you serious PTSD.
Yeah, woah right. Stop doing and start living girl, now's your chance.

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