07 Apr 2021

5 must watch Ted Talks

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While podcasts seem to be our go to these days for finding inspiration, motivation, learning and sometimes just a good laugh, the beloved Ted Talk brings us all of this in bite sized hits (in the face sometimes) with impact and on pretty much any topic at any given time.

Whether you are trying to prove a point in an argument or just want to learn about one of the many weird and wonderful facets of human nature we can guarantee you will find a Ted Talk relating to the topic at hand.

We’ve culled our list of favourites down to our top 5 that we hit replay on (almost) every. damn. day. 

  1. And of course at the top of our list is Brene Brown with her TedX talk on The power of vulnerabilityRacking up almost 50 million views, (yep you read that right) the professor and researcher of courage and vulnerability just hits the nail on the head with this one.
  2. Isabel Allende shares How to live passionately — no matter your age. We're not sure about you but we kinda wish she was our grandma. The stunning 78 year old talks about the power of perspective and saying yes to life.
  3. Caroline Mchugh describes her self as a womanist, she dresses fabulous and she schools us in her TEDX talk on The art of being yourself. This 20 minute talk provides SO many quotes to live by (and we don't mean the corny type) you're going to need to take notes on this one.
  4. Amy Cuddy talks on How your body language may shape who you are, What our body language communicates to us and others and the science behind body language and how we can use it to our advantage.
  5. Amy Morin talks mental habits and strength in The secret of becoming mentally strong and how the words we use and unhealthy beliefs we have can give away our power.

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